The TeleferiQo or 6-person cable car, transported us 1000 metres up a mountain to the west of Quito to reach a height of nearly 4000 metres above sea level. It certainly felt a bit draughty and airless at the top, but the views over the city were fantastic.

The TeleferiQo is a massive tourist hit for Ecuadorians and foreigners. It's pretty tacky at top and bottom - theme park with Chipmunk music at the bottom, and a Nescafe cafe at the top. Making a sharp exit from this, once at the top, we set off to the vantage points. At this point our party splintered as Simon and I decided to take on trying to reach the volcano Pichincha, further uphill and a couple of hours walk away.

It was a fantastic walk although pretty exhausting at this altitude - gurgling stomachs and light headedness. We made it to the rocky start of it where the track petered out and we hit the clouds.

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