This building has bizarrely combined two very different themes. Built in 1921, for nearly 60 years it operated as a prison and torture centre, as the drawings on the walls depict. However, a local lady decided to commit the later years of her life to making stuffed mannequins representing mythical characters from traditional Nicaraguan folklore. It is an odd experience to have explained to you the relevance of a stuffed dead calf pulling a carriage of death (it means death is coming your way if they leave a candle which then turns into a bone outside your house) in what was until fairly recently a torture chamber.

The lady with the one enormous boob sticking out of her top in the photo below is from a famous story about a lady with enormous boobs and an ugly face. She was teased incessantly for her ugliness and looking like a man until she went mad and stalked the streets trying to catch the eyes of men. If they caught her eye, she whipped out her boob and put them on the teet. Que horror! 

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