Rice, beans, tortilla and salty cuajada cheese continue to be central to our diets, particularly when we're in the countryside, but there's lots of other delicious alternatives on offer too.

A takeaway lunch in Matagalpa from an organic cafe opposite the coffee cooperative's office. I opted out of having meat with this feast of tortilla, beans, cuajada cheese, beetroot and potato salad, shredded cabbage and carrot salad, and a tomato and onion salsa.

Walmart strikes again. Pali is the biggest supermarket chain in Nicaragua, and along with another one, La Union, is owned by Walmart. As is ASDA. Argh, they're taking over the world.

A rich bean soup, sometimes with the offer of scrambled, poached or hard-boiled eggs mixed in with it. Simon opted for chips with this one in a Cuban restaurant in Esteli.

Anything that can be done is done with maize/corn in Nicaragua. These are similar to really sweet, toffee popcorn but less fluffy.

An amazing looking dragon fruit, which is very good in juices with lime.

A big birthday cake carried through the dark in Lagartillo by Balta to a 15th birthday celebration. There aren't many sweet treats in the countryside, but when a girl turns 15 it is a big event.

Corning from the cobs fresh maize with Rufina in Lagartillo, in preparation for making tortillas. A surprisingly tough job.

A sweet guirilla tortilla made with a sweeter maize variety, very delicious and makes a change from the usual savoury ones. Served with fresh, salty cuajada cheese.

This looks like pureed potato but it most certainly is not. This, of course, is a maize-based dish of ground maize mixed with milk, water and sugar, called atol. People eat bowls piled high with it, which if you've been out in the fields all day like they have is a good idea, but if you haven't, you quickly feel like you might explode. That said, in smaller portions it is a tasty treat. There's a deliciously ripe mango in the background on this photo too.

Eating ceviche with Rachel in a friend's mum's house - fresh fish marinated in lime juice with chile and onion. A refreshing snack and it reminded us of Peru.

A grizzly Simon on the streets of Managua eating a greasy bunuelo - a deep-fried dough ball dunked in a sweet, sugar-cane syrup. Very tasty and very unhealthy.
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