Sunday, February 21, 2010

San Juan del Sur

San Juan del Sur is the most popular beach spot in Nicaragua. The town has a nice beach and a small port at one end with lots of fishing boats bobbing about. There's no shortage of bars, restaurants or places to stay. We went first with Jonny and stayed in the town, and then a month later with Jan and Nick, when we stayed a few miles north near to some lovely quiet beaches.
Both times we went, we enjoyed some excellent seafood and made the most of the Pacific sunsets with a drink and an ice-cream.
The beaches to the north of San Juan del Sur are quiet and clean and perfect for a swim.
A handsome blue and orange crab scuttling across the beach. It was a nice crab but it ventured too far from the sea and the next time we saw it, half an hour later, it was in pieces. Presumably due to a dog or seagull attack.

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