Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tuna & a saucer; mayonnaise & a chair

There still aren't too many supermarkets in Nicaragua, refreshingly they're not that big a part of life here. While the UK has a highly organised system of 2 for 1 and 3 for 2 offers, the marketing in Nicaraguan supermarkets takes a different approach. There's a table at the front of this supermarket (called El Hogar, although it's difficult to spot the sign) in Esteli, where small items are sellotaped to larger items. These range from sensible offers such as small olive oil sellotaped to big olive oil; to a saucer stuck to a tin of tuna; and a doll-sized plastic chair available to shoppers purchasing a jar of mayonnaise. We were tempted but we didn't need either so we just took a photo.


Rob Salmon said...

I love the green plastic chair. And I love this form of marketing. It is not the past. It is the future!! R x

Simon and Rach said...

But what would you do with the plastic chair?